
Re: Dreaming........

Comments interspersed....

>Original Poster: Megavolt121@aol.com
>     Remember, Tesla coils are not only dangerous, but they disrupt radio
>frequencies!!! If you ran a big coil like you want to(after you
>get through funding probs and that you get permits if required) you will 
>be spending millions on lawyer fees. don't even go into that direction.

ALright, not I've heard "It can't be done!" I have to try this now :)

Alright, with proper tuneing and an immaculate design it should be possible 
to make a "Clean" coil. I have seen the wonders done with commercial 
transmitters and the work involved in makeing them stay on freq and perfect, 
it's not a simple process :) But it can be done. Shielding and grounding 
should help a deal too.
Also the location would help, it's 5 miles from ANYTHING and on hundreds of 
acres of lonely land. :)

>PS If you look around on the web, you can see the people who created the
>LOD(that big coil built in San Francisco th atwas shipped to like europe) 
>trying to gather funding for a gigantic bi-polar. So far, i believe they
>haven't got any money so funding for such a large project is nearly

Funding is always a pain for groups like ours, but we have always been able 
to get wheat we needed. Kalamazoo is home to one of the largest capital 
campaigns in history. They raised $20M for a nmuseaum here a few years ago. 
We will be doing massive fundraiseing for the new facility, this will be 
just a part of that. It should be MUCH easier than to just get funding for a 
giant coil.

>In a message dated 3/3/00 6:53:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
><< Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
>  The Geek Group may fionally have it's new building! We have been shopping
>  for a new building since we left our 30,000SqFt warehouse 6 months ago.
>  In our building shopping we found an old abandond coal fired power plant. 
>  have contacted the owner and he is interested in donateing the space in
>  exchange for us doing work on the building.
>  The first thing that cought our eyes was the dual large smokestacks.
>  (can you see where I'm heading with this?)
>  The building is massive, about 1 cubic city block, with 2 large (apprx. 
>  thougb that's a very rough guess) smokestacks. It's located in the middle 
>  nowhere and also has a couple other nice refinements includeing a large
>  substation, that is still on line,  (good source of HV donated by the 
>  electric company, and an INCREDIBLE ground array) and a lake.
>  I was wondering if it would be possible to turn these into either a pair 
>  Bipolar coils, or 1 tower a coil and the other a ground terminal. It's 
>  a pipe dream, but it could very well trun into a reality.
>  It would easily be bigger than electrum, with the perfect location and
>  resources. And we'd have the Guiness record in the States :)
>  Not to mention the PR applications, sponsorship...etc for the Group :)
>  If this was to actually become a reality, we could hold a teslathon here 
>  have coilers from the list come and aid in the design, and construction.
>  Chris "Wysock wannabe" Boden >>

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