
Re: Copper strap...

If used in Tesla Coil service flat copper foil has a much greater
RF current carrying capability because of its large surface area.
You sometimes have to look out for corona discharge from the
edges, however. If the foil is too thin, then the RF resistance
increases. If I recall correctly, Malcolm Watts posted something
about skin depth versus frequency some time ago. Perhaps he
would be kind enough to refresh everyone's memory on this topic
as it applies to Tesla Coils.

Fr. Tom McGahee

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: tesla@pupman.com <tesla@pupman.com>
Date: Friday, March 03, 2000 6:08 PM
Subject: Copper strap...

>Original Poster: "M Fabs" <the_machin_shin@hotmail.com> 
>I recently got some (3) mil (I think) by 1.5" copper foil.  I was trying to 
>figure out about what AWG number this would correspond to on Fr. Tom's 
>wirelist.  3mils * 1500mils gives 4500 mils.  Divide by pi, take sqrt, 
>multiply by 2, I get 75.6mils diameter for an equivalent circular area.  
>Look on the wirelist I see between 12 and 13AWG.  Is this right?  This stuff 
>seems much more capable than that. Maybe I am remembering the thickness 
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