Re: Copper strap...
For RF currents, like in your tank circuit, I would say this foil would be
closer in behavior to a 1 inch diameter copper pipe due to the surface area(I
didn't consider skin depth when making this statement). But as far as your
equivalent diameter, I get the same answer. I would hazard a guess that it
can handle more RMS power than the equivalent size solid round conductor
since it has more surface area for cooling.
> Original Poster: "M Fabs" <the_machin_shin@hotmail.com>
> I recently got some (3) mil (I think) by 1.5" copper foil. I was trying
> figure out about what AWG number this would correspond to on Fr. Tom's
> wirelist. 3mils * 1500mils gives 4500 mils. Divide by pi, take sqrt,
> multiply by 2, I get 75.6mils diameter for an equivalent circular area.
> Look on the wirelist I see between 12 and 13AWG. Is this right? This
> seems much more capable than that. Maybe I am remembering the thickness
> incorrectly...
> the_machin_shin@hotmail.com