
Re: Dreaming........

    Remember, Tesla coils are not only dangerous, but they disrupt radio 
frequencies!!! If you ran a big coil like you want to(after you 
get through funding probs and that you get permits if required) you will then 
be spending millions on lawyer fees. don't even go into that direction.

PS If you look around on the web, you can see the people who created the 
LOD(that big coil built in San Francisco th atwas shipped to like europe) are 
trying to gather funding for a gigantic bi-polar. So far, i believe they 
haven't got any money so funding for such a large project is nearly 

In a message dated 3/3/00 6:53:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

<< Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com> 
 The Geek Group may fionally have it's new building! We have been shopping 
 for a new building since we left our 30,000SqFt warehouse 6 months ago.
 In our building shopping we found an old abandond coal fired power plant. We 
 have contacted the owner and he is interested in donateing the space in 
 exchange for us doing work on the building.
 The first thing that cought our eyes was the dual large smokestacks.
 (can you see where I'm heading with this?)
 The building is massive, about 1 cubic city block, with 2 large (apprx. 150' 
 thougb that's a very rough guess) smokestacks. It's located in the middle of 
 nowhere and also has a couple other nice refinements includeing a large 
 substation, that is still on line,  (good source of HV donated by the local 
 electric company, and an INCREDIBLE ground array) and a lake.
 I was wondering if it would be possible to turn these into either a pair of 
 Bipolar coils, or 1 tower a coil and the other a ground terminal. It's just 
 a pipe dream, but it could very well trun into a reality.
 It would easily be bigger than electrum, with the perfect location and 
 resources. And we'd have the Guiness record in the States :)
 Not to mention the PR applications, sponsorship...etc for the Group :)
 If this was to actually become a reality, we could hold a teslathon here and 
 have coilers from the list come and aid in the design, and construction.
 Chris "Wysock wannabe" Boden >>