


   I started experimenting with NSTs back in elementary school.  The problem
at that age
is that I thought that I was "invincible".  It took until probably early
high school to start to
respect high voltages - and up until then, the respect was driven home by at
least a couple
of dozen varying degrees of shocks.  The worst involved a second person : It
was summer,
I was wearing short pants, kneeling on a wet patio on both knees, and
lifting a 15/60 NST
by the bushings with each terminal firmly pressed into each palm, a friend
plugged the NST
in (probably to do his own experiment on the biological effects of
electricity).  It was like an
upper-cut from a 15-lb sledge hammer to the chest and I leapt backwards
about 15 feet.
The advice given on this list to keep the power-supply plug in one's pocket
when working
with the equipment is very good.  Amazingly there are quite a few people
that you may
show your TC to that may not have a firm grasp on electricity and the
dangers thereof.

Phill Peterson (phill@iname.com)