
RE: calculating bps for sync rsg

Uh Greets,

Yeah I know, I laughed at myself all last night thinking
about how people all across the world are laughing at my
response on calculating bps at 50hz.  I got 2 hours sleep
yesterday and was not thinking to clearly when responding, 
after taking a nap I realized what I had said.  Doh!
However I had no internet access to clear up that mistake.

I am looking forward to all the corrections this is going
to get however I am a little behind here at work so it
will have to wait until Monday.  

By the way calculating bps for a 50hz sync motor is
the same as a 60hz rated motor when given the rpms.  
Just because it is 50hz doesn't mean there is only 
50 seconds in a minute.  :-)  Oops.  

I have a question though.  Can a 60hz motor run on 
50hz current?  If yes then I would presume that a
1800 60hz motor would spin at 1500 rpm, is that correct?
And if one would want to simulate 120bps at 60hz, with
one bang for every peak in an area running at 50hz then
they would shoot for 100bps?

I better quit before I get in over my head again, I am 
still trying to get my right shoe out of my mouth.  :-)
It doesn't taste so good.  :-)

Bill Parn

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tesla List [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
> Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 6:58 PM
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: RE: calculating bps for sync rsg
> Original Poster: "William Parn" <parn@fgm.com> 
> Greets,
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tesla List [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
> > Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 6:17 AM
> > To: tesla@pupman.com
> > Subject: calculating bps for sync rsg
> > 
> > 
> > Original Poster: "Jon Lagler" <rockcrawl@netzero.net> 
> > 
> > Hello,
> >  This may be a dumb question, but please bear with me, I'm kinda 
> > new at this.
> > How do I calculate the break rate of my synchronous rotary gap? 
> > My rotor has 4
> > contacts. it is a 1/2 hp motor, 1725 rpm(I think), 60hz. Whatever 
> > it is, it
> > seems to work well.
> >  
> >  
> > Thanks in advance,
> >  Jon
> > 
> > 
> Hi Jon,
> Only unasked questions are dumb.
> 1725 rpm ==> 1,725 revolutions per minute.
> Since we are looking for bangs per second divide rpm by
> 60 to find the revolutions per second.
> 1725/60 = 28.75 rps
> Now multiply that number by the number of bangs your rotor
> does per one revolution.
> 28.75 * 4 = 115 bps
> If it were a 50hz motor then one would divide by 50
> instead of 60.
> By the way if your motor is really synchronous at 60hz
> then it can't be 1,725 rpm.  It probably is 1,800 rpm.
> The math above will work for sync or async.
> Cheers,
> Bill