
Re: Thoughts about sync

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Wayne Scott" <wsirons@sonic.net>
> Hi all,
> My first coil has been up and running for about a month now.  My thanks
> to everybody for being so helpful.  There's no way I could have achieved
> this without my daily reading of the Tesla List.  Enough kissing up,
> down to business.
> Specs: 15/30 NST, 4.5 x 22.5 (5:1) secondary, 1/4 in @ 1/4 in 13 turns
> primary @ ~35-40 deg and too far away from the secondary ~2.5 in.  The
> cap is 10 GE Dielektrol III's .1 uF @ 2000 VDC, .01 uF total (in about
> 1x2x2 oval metal can) in series which I expected to explode the first
> day I fired it up, but it still seems to work.  The gap is 4 copper
> tubes for only 3 gaps and looks like about an 1/8 in between each.
> Topload is 3x13 and 4x17 aluminum duct.  It gives 3 or 4 18 to 24 in
> purple streamers that really like the extra (unpowered) referegator in
> the back of the garage.  It doesn't have much in the way of an RF
> ground, just a big plate of aluminum under it's box.  I just won another
> eBay 15/30 NST and am looking forward to getting closer to the 48 in I'm
> hearing about from even 30ma systems.  It sounds like the only way to
> break that barrier is to go rotary.  I was wondering if anybody has
> tried using some kind of closed loop motor control to set bps as opposed
> to modifying rotors to be in line sync.  Some kind of analog feedback
> signal routed through the necessary analog electronics could drive for
> sync, or perhaps a basic stamp running a PID from digital feedback.  I
> know that the RF shielding of sensitive electronics would be
> interesting, but not impossible.  Would also make it easy to auto-sync
> to the zero crossing.  Thoughts?
> Wayne in Santa Rosa, CA
> I need to build an MMC!

Hi Wayne ...

congrats on the coil ...    but if you plan on upping the power ( adding
the extra NST) consider deeply the idea of a RF ground system....   
with out it you will be more than likely to blow out the NST's or get
some serious feedback thru the AC lines    i fried a 20 amp Corcom RFI
filter cuz i forgot to hook up the ground wire  sooo  obviously the
power found its way back thru the AC supply ...

Scot D