
Re: Decent Pics.........

Dark room, 4 sec timer, camera on tripod, f1.2, and the best secret --- Fuji
Velvia Color Slide Film with ASA of 50.  This produces the very best color
saturation and will give you absolutely spectacular photos of your coil.
You have to go to a professional supply source to get this film but it's
worth the effort.  Such as B&H Photo in NY.  Hang a vertical wire down as
the ground so the arc will "climb" up the wire.  Makes for much thicker
looking sparks from even a small coil.

BTW -- I don't work for Fuji -- just use their great product.

Dr. Resonance

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: tesla@pupman.com <tesla@pupman.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: Decent Pics.........

>Original Poster: "Bunnykiller" <bigfoo39@idt.net>
>Hi Chris ...  Im no photo pro but what little i do know
>a good low speed film ( 100- 400)  a wide Fstop (F1.sumthing) and long
>exposure ( 1 - 4 secs) on a tripod  coil run in a dark room or at nite
>with little area lighting as possible...( no steet lamps etc)
>normally you will end up with a shot of the coil with millions of arcs
>around it if the arcs are very active    if you desire that Great single
>arc shot   put up a grounded rod with in reach of the arcs   it will
>then have a tendency to hit the rod more often and the pic will show
>that as the predominate arc ...
>Scot D