Re: More topload troubles
It's thursday afternoon, and still no luck. I just have one question.
I don't have an LCR meter, so my tuning is kind of like this: test every
turn, find biggest spark, test every quarter turn around that, find
biggest spark, and then test every half inch around that.
If I were to use a good LCR meter, would I be able to find where to tap
by first finding L and C of secondary, compute frequency, find exact C
of secondary, then solve for inductance, and find how many turns I need
to achieve this?
Oh, and BTW, someones asked me where they can find WinTesla, but I can't
find the site again. Anybody know the url?
Jason Raycroft
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Raycroft" <k.raycroft@worldnet.att.net>
> Sorry that this took a while:
> I forgot to say that I did in fact use many fewer turns. With toroid, I
> used to tap at 12 turns, now I tap at about 5, just what WinTesla
> predicts. I'm going to get some #4 welding cable to replace the #14 GTO
> and see what that does, also get some #1 through #4 connecters, and do
> it right. Maybe this will help, and I'll try adjusting the coupling up
> and down to see if that has any effect. I'll be running it this Friday
> and Saturday, so I should have some results by saturday afternoon.
> Thanks,
> Jason
> Raycroft wrote:
> >
> > Finally, the garage is dry!
> >
> > After about 2 months of standing water in the garage, it finally dried
> > out and I was able to run my coil again.
> >>snip
> > Enter new transformers, fans, and beer bottles, and cables. All else
> >>snip