Thoughts about sync
Hi all,
My first coil has been up and running for about a month now. My thanks
to everybody for being so helpful. There's no way I could have achieved
this without my daily reading of the Tesla List. Enough kissing up,
down to business.
Specs: 15/30 NST, 4.5 x 22.5 (5:1) secondary, 1/4 in @ 1/4 in 13 turns
primary @ ~35-40 deg and too far away from the secondary ~2.5 in. The
cap is 10 GE Dielektrol III's .1 uF @ 2000 VDC, .01 uF total (in about
1x2x2 oval metal can) in series which I expected to explode the first
day I fired it up, but it still seems to work. The gap is 4 copper
tubes for only 3 gaps and looks like about an 1/8 in between each.
Topload is 3x13 and 4x17 aluminum duct. It gives 3 or 4 18 to 24 in
purple streamers that really like the extra (unpowered) referegator in
the back of the garage. It doesn't have much in the way of an RF
ground, just a big plate of aluminum under it's box. I just won another
eBay 15/30 NST and am looking forward to getting closer to the 48 in I'm
hearing about from even 30ma systems. It sounds like the only way to
break that barrier is to go rotary. I was wondering if anybody has
tried using some kind of closed loop motor control to set bps as opposed
to modifying rotors to be in line sync. Some kind of analog feedback
signal routed through the necessary analog electronics could drive for
sync, or perhaps a basic stamp running a PID from digital feedback. I
know that the RF shielding of sensitive electronics would be
interesting, but not impossible. Would also make it easy to auto-sync
to the zero crossing. Thoughts?
Wayne in Santa Rosa, CA
I need to build an MMC!