Re: Tube coil design improvements
Hi Simon,
> Original Poster: "Simon Winder" <swinder@microsoft.com>
> 5"). I changed over to 1/4 wave with a vertical coil. The primary is
>9" diameter with 10/12/14/16/20 turns tapped for experminentation.
>I used hv test leads for the feedback coil. I experimented with lots
>of feedback configurations. The secondary is the same 3" diameter
>form with 444
Did I read this right: you have a 3" diameter secondary and the
primary is a (gigantic) 9" in diameter? That means you have 3"
of space between your primary and secondary. Your losing
power due to minimal coupling. I would suggest closing that 3"
gap quite a bit. My 8" DW coil only has about half that distance.
A tube coil should stand up to a much higher coupling than you
are giving it. You also might try more JpB (Joules per Bang).
Of course, a toob TCl will always put out smaller sparks than a
comparable spark discharge coil. Have you tried playing with
the coupling between grid coil and primary (and secondary)?
Due to this, a toob coil has an additional variable involved, which
needs some attention during tuning.
Coiler greets from Germany,