Re: Decent Pics.........
Here are some snippets of posts on the subject, Chris.
Original Poster: Max Erhard <max.erhard@softhome.net>
It appears that most people cheat by using long exposures. Wait until
night, close the aperture right down (f16/f22) and hold the shutter open
for a few seconds (B or T setting on the camera). 1/30 second, or 1/60
second probably tells the true story. I don't see the point in a time
exposure's. Everyone's seen a jacobs ladder turned into a wall of flame
with a time exposure, but it just doesn't look like that in real life.
riginal Poster: "Dr. Resonance" <Dr.Resonance@next-wave.net>
Very good results at f1.4 or 2.8 with 4 sec. time exposures. Be sure to
Fuji Velvia color slide film --- the color saturation and density are
incredible. You will have to go a a professional photo supplier to get
film as few stores stock it, but it's worth every nickel in the finished
slide. Always place your camera on a tripod and use the 2 sec auto timer
(delay) if possible so there is no camera motion.
Also, be sure to place a heavy black plastic "cover" over the front part
the coil so as to block off the strong UV light from the primary coil ---
will overpower your camera and not allow you to see the detail of the sec
Another good trick is to hang a vertical wire high above the coil and
4-6 feet away from the coil down to about the primary. The sec spark
strike this wire and then "climb" like a Jacob's Ladder due to thermal
heating. The climbing arc up this vertical wire makes for very exciting
spark pictures.
On the other hand, I've never had good luck with coiling photos, either.
Grayson Dietrich
On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 11:34:33 -0700 Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> writes:
> Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
> How do we get decent pics with a SLR camera?
> We trashed 2 rolls of film trying to get good shots of arcs. Neemie
> (our
> photographer) is stumped.
> We need specifics, F stops, speed, all that jazz that I know nothing
> about
> :). She has good equiptment, just lacks the tips and tricks to pull
> this off
> right.
> Thanks campers :)
> Chris "The Photogenic" Boden
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