
RE: Request for Magnet Wire! Desperate!

Greetings All,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tesla List [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 9:00 PM
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: Re: Request for Magnet Wire! Desperate!
> Original Poster: Fucian@aol.com
> hey ,not that i have any or anything but go to www.mouser.com   they have
> 8 lbers but they are like 80 bucks.check them out any ways.

I have used mouser's magnet wire with great success, It
is a very nice looking red color.

Adam Smith pointed us off to http://www.eis-inc.com/.  I
I bought a 8-10 lb spool from them as well.  If you are
cash strapped their prices are about 1/3 that of mouser.
This place also has a lot of different types of mag
wire coatings to choose from.  I bought the stuff with
the same coating as what mouser sells, so the new stuff
is red too.  There website will explain a lot of information
about the different coatings and what applications they
can be used for.

I have not actually used the wire yet so I don't know
if the performance will be the same, better, or worse.
It looks to be of just as high a quality, but until
I actually use it, I can not blindly say for sure.

Gotta run, I need to go purchase a couple more HVM-16
diodes from mouser.  16kv@350ma. Only $6 US dollars
a pop.  :-)

Bill Parn