
Re: saftey gap

In a message dated 2/29/00 9:29:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

<< Original Poster: "Jeffery Pederson" <kd4lyh@webtv.net> 
 In a pig based system,there is a saftey gap across the transformer
 correct? Does one need a gap across the primary tank capacitor ? One
 across transformer and one across cap or just one gap across
 transformer.( I know its dumb question)

On my pig powered system, I have a safety gap between the pig and the coil, 
across the H.V. feed lines.  I use an async rotary gap.  I originally did not 
have a safety gap across the primary tank capacitor and lost two expensive 
commercial caps before I realized I had a 60 hz resonance problem with the 
primary ballast and was way over-volting the caps.  I now have a safety gap 
across the caps but plan to move it to the rotary gap next time I work on it. 
 When the safety gap mounted directly across the cap fires, it scares the 
hell out of me - sounds like a shotgun - and is not good for the caps.  Much 
better to put it across the rotary so when it fires it does so through the 

Ed Sonderman