Mail Thread Index
- Re: Cheap AC Milliammeter,
Ed Phillips (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Fuse(d) Note,
Ross (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Newbie, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Tungsten electrode resistance (was Coil Meeting...),
Lau, Gary" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- NST current metering surprises,
Lau, Gary" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: 1920's Tesla Coil, Fischer Type H, 12 AMP !!,
Mike 'Viggy'" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: electronic neon transformers, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- MMC Design UK Bulk Order,
Alan Sharp (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Gap turn off at zero current and TVI,
Malcolm Watts" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Spark Gap,
GEORGE STEIN" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: secondary coils,
Reinhard Walter Buchner" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Tungsten Facts (was: Re: Coil Meeting...),
Reinhard Walter Buchner" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Coil Meeting...,
Terry Fritz
- Ignition coil driver (555 type),
Terry Fritz
- Re: 120kV capacitors available,
Terry Fritz
- Re: 99 bottles of beer in the cap.....,
Terry Fritz
- MMC Capacitor Power Calculations,
Terry Fritz
- Caps in series, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- good capacitors?, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Rebuilding NST,
Adam" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Tesla's experiment - lighting wires!,
Jeff Behary (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- My problems...*lol*, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: Watt Meter, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Diathermy Techniques: Zapping tissues with Tesla Coils,
Jeff Behary (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Sorry Bob, about the Ccox equation,
Gavin Dingley" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Cardboard secondary, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: Fieldplotter 2.0,
Rainer Schwemmer" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Polyurethaning the Seconday Problems, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Ball Discharge,
harvey norris" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Rotary gaps,
Richard Barton" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Air Blast vs RSG, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- MMC Problems!,
Arthur Mavros" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: MMC Problems!,
Calvin Patrick" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: MMC Problems!,
Malcolm Watts" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: question, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- From primary to top terminal,
Finn Hammer" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Formula for true self capacity of a coil.,
Gavin Dingley" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- duh,
Christopher Boden" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: duh, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: duh,
Gavin Dingley" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: duh,
Jim Lux" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: duh,
Dale Hall" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: duh,
Malcolm Watts" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: duh,
Malcolm Watts" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: duh,
Jason R. Johnson" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: duh,
Ed Phillips" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: duh,
Malcolm Watts" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: duh,
Christopher Boden" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: duh, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: duh,
Malcolm Watts" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- SRSG Newbie questions,
Bob Berg" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- new cap idea- more info,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Terry's NST Filter Network, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Steve" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Calvin Patrick" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Bill Parn" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Bill Parn" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Grayson B Dietrich" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Bill Parn" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: ignition coil for high voltage source,
sundog" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Gregory R. Hunter" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Ed Phillips" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Jason R. Johnson" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Bill Parn" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Kennan C Herrick" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Dale Hall" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Grayson B Dietrich" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: ignition coil for high voltage source,
Grayson B Dietrich" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- economical rotory gap motor, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- new cap idea,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: UK TESLATHON pic's and new record,
Calvin Patrick" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Secondary form treatment,
J. B. Weazle McCreath" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: MOT's,
Kevin D" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- pole pig question,
D.Wightman" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: some ?'s about a odd TC setup,
Kevin D" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Southern California Teslathon (was: UK TESLATHON pic's and new record),
Basura, Brian" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Superiority of the magnifier,
Adam Parker" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- tapped primary,
Jeremiah" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- NST testing,
Jeremiah" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: NST testing,
Christopher Boden" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: NST testing,
Powdermnky007" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: NST testing,
sundog" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: NST testing,
Rick Richard" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- AC/DC/Calssic/Mag Coil,
Christopher Boden" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re:USA teslathons,
Christopher Boden" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Gary Weaver's Email Address,
Yurtle Turtle" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- SRSG Questions,
Yurtle Turtle" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Dave Sharpe Watt Meters,
rwall" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Drill-press for milling?,
Dan and Nancy" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
Steve" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: JHCTES Ver 3.1 Program,
John H. Couture" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Super fast E-Tesla5 in "C",
Terry Fritz
- "Ion Generator" Tesla?,
Brad Davidson (Kiloman)" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Dielectric Constant?,
Arthur Mavros" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- First Light & Carbon?,
Trent Mullins" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Dielectric Constant?/Gasoline Arc,
harvey norris" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Oklahoma Biggg Coil update,
Kevin R Eldredge" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Just recompiled E-tesla with QB7.1 32 bit compiler.,
The Flavored Coffee Guy" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Grid dip meter,
Colin Dancer" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Bottle caps,
Jeremiah" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Bottle caps,
Alex Crow" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- FILT1.JPG (Was Terry's NST Filter Network),
Daniele Bortoluzzi" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- CFM and RQ Gaps,
Ted Rosenberg" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: CFM and RQ Gaps, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: CFM and RQ Gaps,
Paul Mathus" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: CFM and RQ Gaps,
Lau, Gary" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: CFM and RQ Gaps,
John H. Couture" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: CFM and RQ Gaps,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: CFM and RQ Gaps,
Malcolm Watts" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: CFM and RQ Gaps,
S.Gaeta" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: CFM and RQ Gaps,
sundog" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: CFM and RQ Gaps,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Tesla simulation software project,
Paul" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Tesla simulation software project,
boris petkovic" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Tesla simulation software project,
Paul" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Tesla simulation software project,
Calvin Patrick" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Tesla simulation software project,
Jim Lux" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Tesla simulation software project,
boris petkovic" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Tesla simulation software project,
boris petkovic" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Tesla simulation software project,
Calvin Patrick" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Tesla simulation software project, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: Tesla simulation software project,
Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Tesla simulation software project, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: Tesla simulation software project,
Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- wiring the thing....,
sundog" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Secondary Coating Probs Fixed!,
Bob Berg" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- WOW! I'm thrilled!, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- RE: Tesla Letter and Photo,
Terry Fritz
- Big top loads,
Alan Sharp" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Brass carriage bolts for sale,
Lau, Gary" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- NSTs, Microwaves, Marx Generators and extorsion in the UK!,
Info Host-1" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- My solid-state primary apparatus,
Kennan C Herrick" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- MMC caps in the works,
Tomahawk.....:)" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- vac tube TC secondary design question,
Simon Winder" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- dc rotary motor,
bob golding" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: dc rotary motor,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: dc rotary motor,
Richard Barton" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: dc rotary motor,
sundog" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: dc rotary motor,
Richard Barton" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: dc rotary motor,
Dale Hall" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: dc rotary motor,
BunnyKiller" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: dc rotary motor,
Paul Mathus" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: dc rotary motor,
bob golding" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: dc rotary motor,
Barton B. Anderson" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: dc rotary motor,
Richard Barton" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- What power am I using?,
Toxandale@SPP.ORG (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Access to UNIX cluster-anybody want some processing time?(was :Re: Tesla simulation software project),
Bryan Steinbach" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- E-TESLA 5.50 final...,
Terry Fritz
- Re: Access to UNIX cluster-anybody want some processing time?, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: Access to UNIX cluster-anybody want some processing time?(was:Re: Tesla simulation software project),
Jim Lux" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Why isn't it working,
Jeremiah" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- stepper,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- steppers,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- salt water caps,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Inductance Issue HELP!!!!,
BunnyKiller" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Ceramic core resistors,
Daniele Bortoluzzi" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- 1256 variacs,
D.Wightman" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Paper about multiple resonance circuits,
Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- (no subject), (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Resonator Self Resonant Frequency,
Malcolm Watts" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- async RSG question, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- NST Secondaries,
Michael Novak" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Maxwell Capacitor division...gone?,
sundog" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: 1256 variacs + questions,
Chris Brick" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- HV DIODES WANTED, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Masonlite,
Richard Barton" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Masonlite,
Trent Mullins" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: Masonlite,
Richard Barton" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Can G10 sheet be laminated?, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: structural materials,
Jim Lux" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- PVC Wire for a secondary?,
David Mills" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
Edward Wingate" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
David Mills" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
Finn Hammer" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
Gregory R. Hunter" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
Richard Barton" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
D&M's High Voltage" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
Ed Phillips" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
John H. Couture" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
Edward Wingate" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
Malcolm Watts" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: PVC Wire for a secondary?, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
Jason R. Johnson" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
Malcolm Watts" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
David Mills" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: PVC Wire for a secondary?,
Richard Barton" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Colorado Springs Notes?,
Trent Mullins" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Can't find this scr, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- for sale - breakdown voltage tester with a nice variac inside,
Bill Noble" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Voltage profile on the secondary,
Terry Fritz
- Florida Mini-Teslathon,
D&M's High Voltage" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- first light,
vi01hlv00" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: first light,
sundog" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: first light,
Paul Mathus" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: first light,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: first light,
bob golding" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- copper plating,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: copper plating,
D.Wightman" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: copper plating,
Lau, Gary" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: copper plating,
Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: copper plating,
Richard Barton" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: copper plating,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: copper plating,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: copper plating,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: copper plating,
Jim Lux" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: copper plating,
Luc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: copper plating,
Steve" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: copper plating,
Richard Barton" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: copper plating, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: copper plating, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: copper plating,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- RE: copper plating,
Richard Barton" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: copper plating,
Steve" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: copper plating, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: copper plating,
Ed Phillips" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- E-Tesla = Medhurst,
Robert Jones" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- pictures of coil,
D.Wightman" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: pictures of coil,
Metlicka Marc" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Florida Mini-Teslathon Picture Links,
D&M's High Voltage" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- HV Items for Sale,
Tedd Payne" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Medusa's back up!, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Space Wound Secondaries, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- UK Teslathon,
Mike Harrison" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- need some suggestions,
Kevin D" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- NST Auction in VA & PA,
Trent Mullins" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- moisture in secondary form? Whats the problem,
Jeremiah" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- first light setup,
vi01hlv00" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: first light setup,
Paul Mathus" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Alternative Toroid Idea,
Alexander Rice" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- MOT Ballast for Pole Xfmr,
Gregory R. Hunter
- Problems with Florida Mini-Teslathon Picture Links,
D&M's High Voltage" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Primary Turns,
Kamil Kompa" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Body capacitance.,
Kamil Kompa" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- De-potting a computer flyback transformer, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Correction factor for HV probes?, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- chokes,
Richard Barton" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re: Primary Turns (adding to my post), (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Form materials, glue, and urethane,
Chris Brick" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Coil Specs. was PVC Wire for a secondary?,
D&M's High Voltage" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- A Tesla / Marx Coil (Really!),
Gregory R. Hunter" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Tesla List status (fwd),
Tesla List Moderator
- Tesla List status,
Chip Atkinson" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- public screening of tesla coil documentary (fwd),
Tesla List Moderator
- capacitor wanted,
Simon Winder" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Whoo-hoo! (and some questions),
Michael Novak" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Building big top loads,
Alan Sharp" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- UK For sale - variacs,
Alan Sharp" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- new pics at high power,
Robin Copini" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- ground ring,
Richard Barton" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Tesla coil video # 25 is ready, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- UV light hazard,
Paul Mathus" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- 4th-of-july showings,
sundog" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- new pics of my vacuum tube coil,
Simon Winder" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Capacitor,
fred" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Long Islander of the Century,
S.Gaeta" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Need High voltage caps and diodes, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- Re: UV light hazard and test,
Robert Jones" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Source for capacitors,
Steve Rosenthal" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- How to get Glyptol,
Peter Whitfill" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- [Tesla list] Header mangling<ADMIN> (fwd),
Tesla List Moderator
- Can' find this SCR, (by way of Terry Fritz )
- DC coil filtering,
Oxandale, Terry" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- header mangling,etc.,
Jim Lux" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- wintesla,
J. Kooiman" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- beginners page,
J. Kooiman" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
- Re:How to get Glyptal,
Rod & Patti" (by way of Terry Fritz <>)
Mail converted by MHonArc