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Re: Space Wound Secondaries
When using a mono filament such as fishing line for spacing and you want to
remove it, apply a thin coat of varnish or your choice of coating to the
surface. Wait until it's tacky (this holds the wire in place), and slowly
remove the mono filament. Let coil rest for a few minutes and reapply another
thin coat to smooth out any jagged edges left by the removal of the filament.
Repeat coatings until you're satisfied with the finish.
I wouldn't leave the mono filament in place for several reasons.
Nylon is a hi freq. lossey material.
The other problem is just about any kind of material left between windings can
and in most cases will cause the windings to track (spark over) more so at the
half way mark and on up to the top of the coil.
I also recommend double spacing the last few turns, three or more so the
coil won't go in to "shock" before the top terminal gets what it needs.
Shawn T. Ferrell
At 07:10 AM 06/12/2000 -0600, you wrote:
> Original Poster: "Mike Harrison" <mike@whitewing.co.uk>
> On Sun, 11 Jun 2000 23:24:46 -0600, you wrote:
> >Original Poster: Megavolt121@aol.com
> >
> >Hi all
> > A quick question about space wound secondary coils... Say I were to use
> a
> >fishing line to space out the wire as I wind, is it necessary to pull out
> the
> >fishing line when done with winding? If i do need to do it, what will happen
> >electrically(and pyrotechnically) if i were to leave it in?
> >Thanks in advance,
> >Alan
> Should be no problem if the fishing line is a good enough insulator. I
> believe nylon absorbs moisture so you might want to bake it after
> winding before varnishing. If you have access to a working coil, see
> if you can draw a spark to some of the fishing line - if not, it's a
> good enough insulator.