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Re: Strike Rail Yes? No?
Hi Finn,
On 28 Jul 00, at 7:52, Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Finn Hammer" <f-hammer@post5.tele.dk>
> Greg!, all:
> This was discussed by Terry and Malcolm earlier this year, and to
> confirm the outcome of the discussion to myself, I tried to discharge
> the coil directly to the caps, photo of this daring experiment is here:
> http://home5.inet.tele.dk/f-hammer/caparc.jpg
> This was posted 10-05-2000 under the subject Rubar, should have been
> Roo-bar (did I get it right this time, Mark?)
> Basically, since the energy from the topload to the cap already
> originates from the same cap, with losses subtracted, it can never
> charge the cap to a higher potential than it was before, so it should be
> safe.
> EE types can figure this out in their minds, I had to see it to beleive
> it.
Should be fine where one side of the primary is grounded but
if the primary circuit is floating there could be trouble as
the primary would be common-mode elevated above ground which
would tax the transformer's insulation.