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Re: Strike Rail Yes? No?


I have a similar system, 6x28 secondary, 5kVA pole pig. After reading some
comments that strike rails are not necessary I removed mine. For a few
minutes everything seemed cool, strikes to the primary and nothing happened.
After about the 6th strike to the primary one of the line filters blew out
in my power controller releasing  smoke and scaring the heck out of me!

I now use strike rails.


Jon Rosenstiel

> Original poster: "Gregory R. Hunter" <ghunter@accucomm.net>
> Fellow Coilers,
> What's the latest wisdom on strike rails?  Are they needed or not?  I'm
> asking because I have just begun work on my all new 6" x 30" Tesla coil,
> and I'm trying to decide if I need a strike rail or not.  I remember some
> postings awhile back suggesting that strike rails were old hat and no
> longer required.  This will be a "generic" coil of conventional design for
> use with various power supplies ranging from 1600VA of NSTs on up to 4 or
> 5KVA of pole xfmer input.