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Re: Novel primary designs

on that fateful day 7/27/00 11:08 PM, Tesla list uttered:

> Original poster: "acmnovak" <acmnovak@email.msn.com>
> Does anyone know of a
> place to get info on primaries made of flat copper flashing? I've heard
> those are really efficient and easy to make.

The same fomrmulae apply.  You can get flat copper flashing of various
thicknesses from roofing supply houses.  Joining the strips (they cut it
from sheet on a sheet metal sheer) takes a lot of heat!  I've never found a
cheap source of copper strip on rolls.

For my next big coil, which will be operating at rather low frequencies,
perhaps 60 - 90 kHz, I'm thinking of using flattened thick wall copper
tubing.  You can get a lot more turns in a small space, and the conductor is
thicker than mere flashing.  Skin effect is of course, lessened at lower RF

> Could anyone fill me in as to where I could purchase Lexan?

Look in your local yellow pages under plastics!  But make sure to call
everyone you can find.  My experience with buying materials has been that if
you call ten places, you'll get eight that are all around the same price,
one lunatic who is higher than everyone else (how do such places stay in
business?) and one place that's cheaper than everywhere else.  Try to find
jobber supply places- ie; don't buy copper tubing at Home Depot, buy it
where the plumbers and air conditioning service guys buy it.

> I've seen this stuff in many coils and I'd like to get my hands on a big ol
> slab of it.

It's not cheap.  Try looking for a plastics place that also fabricates items
from acrylic and polycarbonate (aka Lexan) and ask them if they have a scrap
bin or room, and whether they discount scrap pieces.

- Bill "Gomez" Lemieux

aibohpphobia: fear of palindromes