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RE: PVC or not

When I first began the required reading to build a coil, I started by
reading Richard Quick's pages on pupman.com. HIGHLY suggested reading. He
takes you step-by-step through the selection and preparation procedure of
using a PVC form. It involves driving out the hydroscopically absorbed
moisture from the form and then sealing it before you begin to wind your
I decided although the PVC certainly was cheap, the extra work factor (time
etc) wasn't worth the savings to me (I emphasize to me) so I opted for much
more expensive Plexi ($75) but eliminated the heat lamps etc.

It pretty much comes down to budget. And in this case, I am glad I have one!
My coil, almost finished, has cost me about $400 (inc a brand new 15/60
Allanson NST). If I were an average high school student I might have a tough
time finding that much loose change in the sofa.

Regards and safe coiling.

Ted R.
Subject: Re: PVC or not

Original poster: "D.Wightman" <dwightman@mmcable.com> 

you mean to tell me that you have to dry the pvc??????now im confused...why
do you do this and how...

Subject: RE: PVC or not

>Original poster: "Ted Rosenberg" <Ted.Rosenberg@radioshack.com>
>>From one who chose acrylic...it is very attractive indeed. Mine is a 6
inch Plexiglas form. The gold of the copper and the Min Wax Poly (6+coats)
>good. I paid about $75 for 3 feet of 1/8 wall so that's $25/foot. Your
quote for 14/16" diam is decent at $20-30/foot! I'd go for the acrylic and
>the extra drying drudgery.
>Ted R.
>Subject: Re: PVC or not
>Original poster: Hollmike@aol.com
> SNIP why not use acrylic so your coil will be
>a work of art as well?
>Just a thought,
>i am getting ready to build a 14 or 16 inch coil and have prices
>> for acrylic and pvc..20 to 30 dollars (acrylic) versus 5 dollars a foot
>>i plan on using the best inverter duty wire i can get.which will be close
>> 300 dollars.. i do not want to have to wind the thing twice! my question
>>will i really notice a difference whether i use pvc or acrylic..thanks