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RE: High Voltage Snubber caps
I am currently using these caps with great sucess. I have 5 strings of
12 caps/string for a total of 42 nF. At 1440 watts I have gotten strong
54' arcs (5" X 30" coil), which were unattainable until I used these
caps. They barely get warm enough to be able to tell after 4 to 5 min of
run time. I liked them so well I ordered another 150 units. They are
only rated at 750vac, which is why I went to 12/string. But I am still
putting 15kv into it from the pig. I wouldn't use less then this number
of caps per string, but even so, this set works very well. Total time on
caps to date (only got them a month ago) is about 60 minutes, which
isn't much, but I have seen no degradation in performance.
> ----------
> From: Tesla list[SMTP:tesla@pupman.com]
> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 9:16 AM
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: High Voltage Snubber caps
> Original poster: "Jeffery Pederson" <kd4lyh@webtv.net>
> Hello,
> Earlier today I mentioned that there was some .1mfd 3000vdc made by
> G.E
> for sale . Someone contacted me off the list about these caps . Some
> people have had trouble with these caps. I guess these are factory
> rejects offered at a low price thru an electronics outlet. I was just
> trying to help people out on the list. The moral of my story is if it
> sounds to good to be true then it is. I have not purchased any of
> these
> caps for an mmc application.
> Regards Jeff