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Re: power transmission/water as skin effect wire.
--- Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com> wrote:
> Original poster: "Richard Barton"
> <richardbarton@caving5.freeserve.co.uk>
> Hi all
> Everyone has been perfecting coils and their
> components and
> the tuning and so on, for a long time now, chiefly
> with the aim of
> achieving longer and longer spark lengths.
> I've been reading these mailings for several months
> and have seen virtually
> nothing regarding power transmission experiments,
> which of course, was
> Tesla's ultimate aim. Is anyone doing anything in
> that line ?
> Richard Barton.
This and some other tesla list references poped up on
freenrg list as a Chris McFarlane
submission; I have also submitted some high freq
agriculture plans in formation using water as the
Near field factors, and single wire or "ground
current" power transmission are typical of Tesla
coils, as documented by leading Tesla coil developers
-- also see appended below.The significance of near
field current and voltage can be further appreciated
from engineer Terry Fritz's excellent tesla coil
near-field current & voltage measurement antennas :
When evaluating a situation where power is actually
transmitted, in contrast to proposed scalars which
have been said 'not to carry power/energy', perhaps
the following may be of interest. An exploratory
perspective on L.W.'s, besides important near fields,
and documented RF ground currents, is whether
*power/energy carrying* transmissions might possibly
additionally include circularly polarised electric
fields, (as also described by Hooper, and Gibson).
This was also recently mentioned on list with respect
to left or right wound aerial coils, where they have
to match for signal to be received. Circularly
polarised electric fields are said by Hooper to pass
through any shield, being quite difficult to stop; as
is also said about the Meyl Faraday shield/Alu case.
Prof Meyl's circuit sounds like it has RF ground
currents, rather than primarily producing cp-fields.
It may be useful to consider Hooper type cp-fields in
the broader discussion of proposed L.W.'s/"scalars"
and particularly with respect to their shielding; in
addition to documented RF ground currents.
Hooper, W. J. (1974). New Horizons in Electric,
Magnetic and Gravitational Field Theory,
Electrodynamic Gravity, Inc. 1969 Frances G. Gibson,
Electrodynamic Gravity, Inc., 1983 US Patent
#3,610,971. "All Electric Motional Electric Field
Generator",Awarded to William Hooper, April 1969 US
Patent # 3,656,013. "Apparatus for Generating Motional
Electric Field",Awarded to William Hooper, April 1972
Excerpts of documentation about Tesla coil RF ground
currents : -------------------------
Tesla coils can setup strong RF ground currents.
These currents can induce RF into sympathetic
resonant systems at distances upto a few hundred
metres and more, depending on the RF ground current
magnitude. Small hand held resonant circuits will
receive RF ground current at surprising distances --
with no apparent connection, apparently sufficient to
light a bulb. Pioneering t-coiler Richard Quick's
archived messages : rqmsgs.txt.Z lines: 750-772 "
The high voltage can be trapped in the system by
adding discharger capacitance until the spark will
not break out. Energy is constantly fed into the coil
from the primary, and the only escape is through
radiation or the ground wire. Radiation alone simply
cannot remove the energy in the coil, so massive
currents are forced into the ground. This forms the
basis of Tesla's system for wireless power
transmission. Experiments confirming his ideas can be
performed with small coils. I took a single 6" Tesla
secondary, no primary or tank circuit, just a coil
and a discharger; and walked over a quarter mile, to a
nearby creek. I grounded the coil by placing 10' of
aluminum flashing in the creek water. Back in my
basement, an assistant fired a Tesla coil that
operated at the same frequency as my "free" coil in
the creek. The system being fired was loaded with
discharger, so spark could not break out. Down in the
creek I was able to light bulbs from the top of the
grounded coil, despite the 1/4 mile distance (and
don't forget a creek bank and a rebar wall) between my
location and the power supply. This coil was not
receiving radiated signal, it was resonating on base
fed ground current. " rqmsgs.txt.Z lines:
12902-12913 " A "free" (not inductively coupled to
the transmitter system) resonator will pick up and
resonate on ground current alone. No air terminal
conductive channel is required for the system to
deliver some considerable energy to the receiver
through ground conduction alone. Enough voltage is
present on the air terminal of the receiving coil to
cause it to spark freely, light bulbs, etc.. I have
gotten bulbs to light on a tuned receiving coil 1/4
mile away from a shielded transmitter. The input
energy to the transmitter was only one killowatt,
there was no raditaion: the "pickup" or receiving coil
was connected to a 50' length of aluminum flashing
sunk in creek bottom. There are some interesting
properties to Tesla's open ended resonators.
I am working on a water vortex delivery of rf currents
to ground for purely experimental purposes. Depending
on how the systems potentials are connected it could
represent the vortexian water fall as an hf skin
effect as a rotating spiral shaped antenna. The actual
ground connection consists of drip leak irrigation
hose in the garden with the delivery hose 60 ft. I
hope to obtain scope signals by placing the inductor
around the irrigation hose as a near E field
indicator, something I dont consider to impossible
since other surface area hf effects have been noted in
similar manner with these test inductors. The
electrification is introduced at the vortex and the E
field from that 1 inch diameter cylinder is also
immersed into the 100 gallon holding tank which is
capacitively coupled to the opposite polarity by
aluminum foil connection to the bottom of the
polyethylene container. The fact that the fluid flow
itself can represent a path to ground may pose a
problem, when this was tried with a 15 ft buried wire
it posed problems in that no arcing at the midpoint
connection to that series resonant connection would
easily occur, also completely disrupting scope
monitoring via inductor,whenever that connection was
made without an intervening gas bulb and attached
large polar capacity which seems to be the best
problematic way of sending a high freq signal to
ground in this bipolar system, when metallic
conductors are used. These grounding problems are of
course entirely foreign to that of the simple case of
grounding the secondary of a tesla coil, in that case
the high freq effects are enhanced by the grounding,
but in the case of bipolar huge induction coils(180
phased as series resonant input connections) each can
be grounded at their midpoints by gas tubes to produce
illumination, but these discharges to ground will
oscillate back and forth or allow one to become
predominate for short periods of time. The ground
discharge is then shown as fighting each other for the
predominant path. In other effects if one series
resonant midpoint is being oscillated, and the other
directly metallically grounded, it will shut
everything down, even the scope frequency sweep beam
monitoring the other midpoint oscillation. So this
might turn out to be a similar problem with monitoring
a water hose carrying one of these problematic
grounds. It is hoped that soaking the ground will give
a greater capacity to resonate from the midpoint
oscillators. HDN
Binary Resonant Systemhttp://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb124201
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