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RE: Arc pulling, was Touching/Sitting on your coil

	Further to my story about tracking across my white ABS pipe,
The electrode (Chinese Finger Ball), is actually grounded. Having
thought about it further. The tracking may well be due, not so much to
the juice trying to find ground through me (unlikely, if it's grounded
anyway, through the flying lead), as being initiated through a sharp
wire, that secures the electrode to the pipe. The tracking stems from
where the sharp point of the wire pokes through the pipe and lies
against it, so even though it's grounded, perhaps there is some slight
corona coming off the tip ?
					Richard Barton

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 3:21 AM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: Arc pulling, was Touching/Sitting on your coil

Original poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>

Original poster: "Paul Mathus" <pmathus@learningco.com>

     Interesting.  I have pulled arcs off my coil using a 5' piece of 1"
     pvc pipe.  I ran a piece of magnet wire from the fence where I ground
     my coil to the end of the pipe and electrical-taped it on, with about
     4" sticking out.

That's the difference. With a wire to Ground you should get no tracking. I
do it without the wire.

     This worked fine for pulling arcs off the coil, and there was no
     tracking in the pipe.  This sounds very similar to what Richard was
     doing, except for the pipe material.  Perhaps because your coils are
     more powerful than mine?  Or is ABS more succeptible to tracking? It
     is black here in the states.

frequently made with Carbon and your "Insulator" will bite you. Use White,
clear, Green, and if you're a little daring grey. But never Black. I believe
Grey is safe, but I've never used it.

I am running a 12/60 nst coil.

     paul mathus

Christopher A. Boden Geek#1
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