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Re: power transmission
--- Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com> wrote:
> Original poster: "Richard Barton"
> <richardbarton@caving5.freeserve.co.uk>
> Hi all
> Everyone has been perfecting coils and their
> components and
> the tuning and so on, for a long time now, chiefly
> with the aim of
> achieving longer and longer spark lengths.
> I've been reading these mailings for several months
> and have seen virtually
> nothing regarding power transmission experiments,
> which of course, was
> Tesla's ultimate aim. Is anyone doing anything in
> that line ?
> Richard Barton.
Yes, some very bizarre results were made in unfinished
test. I am merely laying a large loop 50 ft by 20 ft
around the ground and using that as the pickup coil. A
post will be driven in the center of the loop and
longitudinal vibrations attempted as a source antenna
from that point. I am not using tesla coils for this
The usual method to produce oscillations on a polar
capacity do not seem to work very well with the earth.
Instead a neon bulb is interfaced and a large air
capacity must be used in coordination with that
grounded post to even begin to send a high freq
vibration into the ground by former arc gap methods.
Amazingly these ground vibrations will disconnect one
from the internet EVERY time, and they even disable
scope beam function on all but the highest voltage
deflection levels. So I am not pursuing this now, but
when this is done I will reply with results to you if
you will send this letter offlist back to me, I will
bookmark it for reply. HDN
Binary Resonant Systemhttp://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb124201
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