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RE: Tesla Coil Computer Programs

John, Alan,
	You can have your cake and eat it too on the print-out of turns for the
primary coil.  I did this in my Excel spreadsheet version of yet another
Tesla Design program I wrote by using macro functions written in Visual
Basic (macro language for Excel).  I call the function from the spreadsheet
and it increases the no. of turns until the desired inductance is exceeded.
 Then it goes back and returns the computation results for N no. of turns
on either side of the closest correct no. of turns that exceeds the desired
value of inductance.  I set N = 1, but of course, N can be varied to get
more or less turns in the print-out as desired.  I'd be glad to email
anyone the code (free) if interested.  I use Excel from Office 97.  The
code would not be compatible with earlier versions of Excel - that's the
disadvantage of using Microsoft spreadsheets (sigh!)

On the flip-side, I agree with Ed and others that Excel is the program of
choice because all the equations, assumptions, and notes about empirical
data enhancement are there to see and modify.  Best of all, you can't beat
the graphing function of modern spreadsheet programs like Excel.

Second best to Excel is C or Quick Basic programs provided the source code
is included IMO.  I have had great email exchanges with Steve Falco who is
most gracious to distribute his excellent NTesla17 program with C source
code.  I have learned so much from his program and email advice that it has
really got me hooked on the computational aspects of this great hobby we
call Coiling.  I've been waiting for a chance to publicly thank Steve and
want to follow his fine example.  While I'm at it, thanks to Terry Fritz
too who's informational help has contributed to hooking me, and I'm sure,
many others on this hobby.

At 12:00 PM 7/24/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Original poster: "John H. Couture" <couturejh@worldnet.att.net> 
>Alan -
>I agree that listing all of the turns in the primary coil has its advantages
>and I have done this with some of my old programs. However, a lot of paper
>is required to print out the program. You mentioned top load. One of the
>reasons I put the top load in the JHCTES inputs is that it varies the
>primary turns.
>One big improvement in TC engineering progress is that today the many TC
>programs and coilers calculations all produce answers that are very close in
>outputs. When the JHCTES was first made available several years ago that was
>not the case. There were large diferrences in outputs with other programs
>and coilers calculations. The main reason is that coilers did not agree on
>how the many available equations and other information should be used. Some
>coilers said the equations did not work. However, that was because
>parameters like coil self inductance and the toroid influences on the
>secondary were not clearly understood. Some differences still exist today
>when empirical data and equations are used.
>John Couture
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
>Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 10:30 AM
>To: tesla@pupman.com
>Subject: RE: Tesla Coil Computer Programs
>Original poster: Megavolt121@aol.com
> I'm a happy user of both Ross and Ed's spreadsheets. I would like to point
>out that by listing all the different values of the primary at different
>turns. This is a big advantage if i want to knwo where to start tapping a
>primary when i'm testing out a coil for both the first time and w/
>different top loads.