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UK MMC bulk buy

	Last call for the current UK MMC bulk buy, the capacitors are
ArcoTronics KP1.72 series polypropylene capacitors, rated 1500VDC, 0.1uF
dV/dt=4300V/us the buy also includes 15M balance (drain) resistors. I am
placing the order on tuesday, so I need all requests by monday evening
at the latest.
	The price band for just the capacitors are

Total quantity of 100 or less	£1.08 ea
Total quantity of 500 or less	£0.91 ea
Total quantity over 500		£I'll have to negotiate

	The price for capacitors with balance resistors

Total quantity of 100 or less	£1.22 ea
Total quantity of 500 or less	£1.00 ea

*Steve Rodway                        * Heisenberg : We are not sure *
*Legion@bigfoot.com                  *  which side of the road the  *
*http://www.legion-elec.demon.co.uk/ *chicken was, but it was moving*
*Tel. +44 (0)1761 300615             *          very fast           * 
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