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Strange Blue Glow (was: Re: Strange shock (fwd))

List, John

Could it possibly have been a surprisingly maasive amount of ozone
production? I know that it appears blue in a pure enough form. Would it
be heavier than air?

On Sun, 16 Jul 2000 12:16:32 -0600 "Tesla list" <tesla@pupman.com>
> Original poster: "John Williams" <jwilliams@edm.net> 
> He also had time exposure photos that apparently showed a blue glow
> about the base of the secondary.  This was not the usual effect
> you get when the primary is to close and breakdown is threatening.
> It looked more like ionized air flowing down and over the
> base mount in a sheet, like a fluid.  Hard to beat for a really 
> strange
> tesla coil picture.
> Now I wish I hadn't lost track of the url...
> 	John
> >Original poster: "Area31 Research Facility" 
> <rwstephens@hurontario.net>
> >
> >All,
> >
> >The weirdest thing I think about this effect that many of us have 
> at some time
> >been painfully aware of is that the surface of the coating which 
> holds the
> >charge seems to resist being discharged.  You can go over it 
> several times
> >with
> >a conductive grounding wand that has connection to the wire 
> composing the
> >resonator winding, and each time get a renewed snapping discharge 
> from the
> >same
> >area.  So....is it possible that some electret phenomenon is 
> occurring in the
> >plastic film insulation overcoating our resonators?  Is it possible 
> that some
> >characteristic of the charging waveform, possibly the short duty 
> cycle and the
> >very high peak voltage, that a threshold is being achieved which 
> causes some
> >unusual molecular alignment in the insulation which is the basis 
> for an
> >electret phenomenon to occur?
> >
> >I'm not a physicist, I've never even played one on TV, but some of 
> you are, or
> >might have.  Comments?
> >
> >Robert W. Stephens
> >Director
> >AREA31 Research Facility
> ><http://www.area31.org>www.area31.org

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