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Re: Strange shock (fwd)

Hi Ed, 

Tesla list wrote: 
> Original poster: "Ed Phillips" <evp@pacbell.net> 
> <snip> 
>         A couple of points.  First, with regard to the coil form, it's on the
> outside of the winding and your hands are on the outside.  Don't see how 
> it can store the charge we're talking about.

I'm sure it can store the charge. The nylon material I discussed stored
incredible voltages by itself. These were nylon rollers with nothing but a
metal shaft through it's center. I would imagine the coatings we use may be
able to store a charge as well given the right conditions. 
> Second, I would think that 
> spar varnish would be as good a dielectric as shellac, and probably much 
> less hygroscopic.  Perhaps the thickness of the coat???  By the way, I 
> think the principal is probably the same as that of the electrophorous, 
> which is easily made (see Bill Beatty?) and makes pretty good sparks.

Sure, the thickness would always play a role. You know that recent test with
the HDPE tub around the coil? It would be interesting to see if the HDPE would
store a charge by itself without the alluminum foil. I'd bet it would, but may
be difficult to tell if the only mechanism to test it is drawing an arc. A
static meter would be good. But then, with a static meter, one could just check
the coil itself. Unfortunately, I don't have access to the meter anymore. 

Take care, 