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[Fwd: Building big top loads]
This mail was meant to go to the Tesla List, by using the reply
function. But it went to Alan Sharp only, who was sending me his
kind reply already. I didn't realize, that by now, the replies to
the Tesla list mails go directly to the author, and NOT
automatically to the tesla list.
Greets, KurtReturn-path: <k.schraner@datacomm.ch>
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Thu, 29 Jun 2000 09:12:53 +0200
Message-ID: <395AF3B9.5B60D796@datacomm.ch>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 08:59:05 +0200
From: Kurt Schraner <k.schraner@datacomm.ch>
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To: "Alan Sharp (by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>)"
Subject: Re: Building big top loads
References: <4.1.20000628075806.009f8a30@pop.dnvr.uswest.net>
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Hi Alan, All,
very impressive, how you make your big toroid, as well as the
Corby Teslathon results with "Bride of Frankenstein"! But it's a
lot of work, and I guess: not too cheap as well?
I got the 1.6m/0.4m (63"/15.7") topload for my somehow big
hobby-coil "Black & White" 2 weeks ago. The coil is yet in the
make, and has not yet seen first light. Pictures can be seen on:
goto the equipment page and then to 16"Tesla coil Black and
BTW Chip, I cannot express it better than Robin Copini:
> It's amazing how much you take something for granted until you
> lose it - i.e. this list. I and I'll bet lots of others have missed it!!
> Many thanks to Chip et al for all the 'unpaid' work in maintaining
> this list for all of us to enjoy.
"Alan Sharp (by way of Terry Fritz )" schrieb:
> Greetings All,
> I've got the skeleton built for one quarter of my next top load,
> its a 48" by 18" psuedo toriod which will be extended to 72" by 18".
> It could be scaled up to almost any size.
> It uses a series of hardboard rings of dimininishing diameter set
> about 1" apart. It wasn't to bad to build and its quite strong. I fixed a
> bit
> of angle iron as an arm to my jigsaw, bolted the other end to the centre
> and cut the rings quite simply. I worked out from the centre (I used
> plywood
> for the centre ring.
> Pictures on:
> http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/alansharp/
> goto the toriods page and then to megatroids.
> Alan Sharp (UK)