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Re: huge capicator

DANIMAL799@aol.com wrote to the list:
> powersupply consists of 4 mot's.  i can't run them all at once because
> they trip the circut breaker in my apartment.


I've built a 6-MOT-5500Vdc-powersupply for my VTTC. As I faced 
the same circuit breaker problem, I removed the filament winding of 
a MOT and replaced it by 11 turns, rectified the ac and fed the 14 
Vdc to a relay. The 30 A-normally closed-contacts of this relay 
short a 27 Ohm / 50 W resistor placed in series with the supply 
voltage of the MOT arrangement. This limitation of the inrush 
current works without problems.

I hope this helps a little bit.
