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Re: SRSG motor power

on that fateful day 7/29/00 12:04 PM, Tesla list uttered:

> Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <tesla123@pacbell.net>

> I'm just talking about a built-in method to adjust the firing point along
> the AC half cycles when using a sync gap. This of course can be done at the
> disk-to-motor shaft placement, but this is trial and error. Some of the
> coilers who have built cradles simply move the motor itself in the cradle
> to make this adjustment - and some do it while the system is running.

Oh!  The motor comes with a resilient-mount cradle (I wasn't sure whether a
"crattle" was a real object).  I'll probably make the initial phase angle
adjustment with the thing running at low power, and then lock it down.

Since the thing will be salient pole, I shouldn't need to adjust it again.

- Gomez (Bill Lemieux)

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