Re: Nathan has some success!
Hello, Nathan, comments below
On Mon, 10 Jan 2000 07:17:48 -0700 Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> writes:
> Original Poster: "Nathan Ball" <nateburg@hotmail.com>
> BUT..
> After several minutes (not continuous) of working, the spark gap
> stops
> firing. (this was just as I got the camera out to record the new
> record...
> coincidence, or no?) The tranny still hums like before, but no
> spark gap
> again. All of my connections are good, the capacitor is working,
> and the
> NST even draws the same length of arc as when the coil works, but no
> spark
> gap. Darn!
> My gap presently is an RQ,no cooling fan right now, 8 sections @
> .03".
I had this same problem with my old RQ gap. I'd definately mount a small
"muffin" fan on one end of it, or find some other method of gettiing air
flow through the gap. Try just blowing through the gap a few times and
fire it up again after it has stopped firing- I seem to recall that this
got it runr a few more minutes.
> Has anyone had this problem before? It was happening earlier too.
> Then I
> worked on other parts of the coil for a couple days, and tonight it
> worked
> fine again. Perhaps the coil will work fine for another couple
> minutes
> tomorrow evening...
Grayson Dietrich
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