RE: Coil winding direction
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: RE: Coil winding direction
From: "William Parn" <parn@fgm.com> (by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>)
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 16:59:05 -0700
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
Delivered-To: fixup-tesla@pupman.com@fixme
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tesla List [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 1:23 PM
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: Coil winding direction
> Original Poster: "William Parn" <parn@fgm.com>
> Greetings,
> I recently read a warning about winding the primary
> and secondary in different directions. However it
> did not say what would happen. Does anybody have
> more details on this?
> Many Thanks,
> Bill Parn
I have test fired my first coil using a car ignition
coil and a 555 timer. I am getting solid 6 inch arcs
to ground, however the arcs are comming from the ground
wire hung above the torroid as opposed to coming from
the torroid. Is the fact that my primary and secondary
are wound in opposite directions causing this to happen?
My design sort of allows for me to rewind my primary in the
same direction as the secondary however I do not want
to do this unless it will remedy the arc direction. It
may not look as pretty when I am all done.
Does anyone know the answer to this. Is it the opposite
windings of the two coils? or Is it the fact that I am
under powering it? or maybe something else?
By the way I am very new to this, all answers
are very welcome.
Many Thanks,
Bill Parn