Re: nathan's saga update...
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: Ted Rosenberg <TRosen1@Tandy.com>
> Just a quick comment regarding 'soldering' big heavy wire to washers.
> I spent a lot of time today soldering different
> lengths to washers so I could just stick 'em on the bolts and tighten them
> down.
Ted, Nathan, List:
Try finding some copper tubing that the heavy gauge
wire will just fit into. Cut it about 2-1/2 to 3"
long. Compress one end of the copper tube in a
vise to form a flat part (just like the welding
terminal lugs). Drill whatever size hole you need
in the flat portion (3/8", etc.) - just make sure
you leave enough meat on each side of the hole so
that the connector won't break there (say for a 3/4"
wide flat portion, don't drill a hole any larger than
3/8" diameter). Round off the corners using a grinder,
etc. Solder your heavy (welding cable, etc.) wire
in the other end. Presto! Quick, cheap, and relatively
easy way of making your own connectors.
David L. McKinnon
D&M's High Voltage