Re: Nathan's Saga Update...
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: Nathan's Saga Update...
From: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 17:07:40 -0700
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
Delivered-To: fixup-tesla@pupman.com@fixme
In-Reply-To: <20000110160918.98678.qmail@hotmail.com>
Hi Nathan,
Glad to know the problems with your coil are starting to yield. You may
want to put a pointed wire about 3 inches long on your toroid to help get
the sparks out. This will make it easier to see how your coil is working
without having to mess with a hot stick.
You may want to look around for a variac too. That makes tuning and such
much easier since you can control the power with ease.
Everyone's coil suddenly stops working at times. It may be a failed
connection or the RQ gap got dirty and just clogged up. I hope it wasn't
the cap. If you carefully look over the cap you will see a cracked and
blown out side on the Panasonics if there was a failure. They are pretty
good at letting you know they died. However, they should have been able to
easily take that power. Of course, the France transformer by be
intermittently going in and out due to an internal failure there. Mine
came back to life after I hit it with my fist a few times but it still
stopped working again in seconds after just plugging it in.
Once you get your coil stable and get the rotary gap going your sparks
should get right up there. Probably just a little tuning and tweaking is
all that is needed now.
I wrote another post about these France transformers and I'll try to
figure out what failed on mine. My Transco (made in China and very cheap)
has seen far far more abuse than yours and has never had any problems
whatever. Sometimes the cheap guys put a lot more margin in the design to
make up for poor assembly and such where the fancy guys try to make the
design "optimal" counting on their quality to get them through. Mine was
really pathetic and seemed like it would have died quickly no matter what
it was used for... I work with transformers all the time so it should be
easy to see what the problem is. I just have to get the nasty tar off...
At 08:09 AM 01/10/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>Hello, Bert, Mike, All
>I already wrote another post with some progress, but I wanted to thank you
>guys for the help. I am glad to have that strike rail thing explained. I
>did seperate it, and I got 14" on the first tuning with these specs:
>15kV/60mA input power
>0.011 MMC
>8 sections on RQ gap, spaced 0.03"
>secondary 7" dia wrapped 23.5" with 20AWG
>7" cord toroid, 23" in diameter, outside to outside
>35.5 degree sloped primary, inner dia. 10.5", spaced .5", tuned to 11th
>grounded to 8' galv. ground rod and neighbor's chain link fence!!
>that's the basic stuff. I did also have a safety gap each side about 3/8"
>away from the grounded gap in the midddle.
>I'll try some more tuning today, but if you guys know what might be
>happening with transformer or whatever is up with my spark gaps stopping,
>(see my other post ;-) ) I'm sure I would have more success.
>Thanks, and Safe Coiling
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