Nathan has some success!
Hello, All!
I finally had some amount of success, only to be thwarted (again!) by one of
those darned France NSTs. At least that's what I think the problem is. this
time it was the still-potted 15/60. (i've already blown 3 secondaries on my
two other france 15/30s) .\/.
I hooked up my coil with good connections this time, and cut a gap in my
grounded strike rail. I think this may have been a big problem, acting as a
shorted primary turn and sucking primary power like Terry said.
The primary tuned in at about 11 turns.
Finally, I got some good strong 14" sparks to my grounded lineman's hook.
Still no air discharge, but nevertheless, very exciting. Nice new record,
very encouraging. I decided not to shoot Hel (I named the coil after the
Norse goddess of death and evil!) to death with my potato gun like before.
After several minutes (not continuous) of working, the spark gap stops
firing. (this was just as I got the camera out to record the new record...
coincidence, or no?) The tranny still hums like before, but no spark gap
again. All of my connections are good, the capacitor is working, and the
NST even draws the same length of arc as when the coil works, but no spark
gap. Darn!
My gap presently is an RQ,no cooling fan right now, 8 sections @ .03".
Has anyone had this problem before? It was happening earlier too. Then I
worked on other parts of the coil for a couple days, and tonight it worked
fine again. Perhaps the coil will work fine for another couple minutes
tomorrow evening...
but i would like for it to work as long as I want it to!
and safe coiling to everybody,
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