Re: Non-linear capacitance - supercap
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: tesla@pupman.com <tesla@pupman.com>
Date: Saturday, January 08, 2000 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: Non-linear capacitance
>Original Poster: Bert Hickman <bert.hickman@aquila.com>
>Gary and all,
>Perhaps this is because of hysteresis effects (the same effects that
>make a dielectric amplifier possible as in a recent post by Bert Pool).
I missed that post, could you refer me to it or e-mail me it? Thanks.
> having non-linear elements in a
>voltage divider chain would make accurate measurements quite a
>challenge! :^)
Ceramic is the worst choice for measurement. Can dig up a magazine article
reference if you wish. Any cap is good for power supplies and bypassing, but
measurement and RF brings out problems, like hysteresis, reactances and
other strange high-order effects like 'soakage'. Any dielectric type but
ceramic would probably due, exept rolled polyester with high inductance and
I would like to see a supercap made from high-Z piezo ceramic. I found an
article about the hysteresis problem - "On the Efficiency of Electric Power
Generation with Piezoelectric Ceramic" Michael Goldfarb
Lowell D. Jones, at
The paper is about piezoelectric power generation, and the problem
hysterisis causes. Good analysis. I wonder if mechanicaly loading and DC
polarizing the ceramic stack, and limiting the peak AC could eliminate
hysterisis loss?