Re: very long sparks
> From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: Re: very long sparks
> Date: Sunday, January 09, 2000 10:56 AM
> Original Poster: wysock@ttr.com
> To Dr. Gudenas, et. al.,
> This (thread) reminds me of a personal experience I had in 1978.
> I visited Dr. Hershal West at the BPA (Bonniville Power
> Authority,) in Vancouver Washington (state.) They had a
> 5 MV Mark Impusle generator (an outdoor all climate unit,)
> capable of over 100j @ 5 MV output. I saw a photograph
> in Dr. West's office, of a (maverick) discharge from the top
> toroid electorde (on top of the generator, which was about
> 25 meters high,) connecting to a patch of ground (far outside
> of the high voltage proving grounds of the faciltiy.) The
> acutal arc length of this spark was about 50 meters. Dr. Hershal
> West told me of the conditions under which this spark was
> created. The machine was made by Amiel-Hafely (England)
> and was being used to test various high voltage transmission line
> configurations, that were being developed for the Pacific North-West
> Intertie, amoung other applications.
Most likely, Emil Haefely (now Haefely Test AG), in Basel, Switzerland..
They made the Marx at the Deutsches Museum, as well as many others, as they
are well known in the HV business.