Re: HV DC power supply design.....
Or, just buy all your diodes from the same lot, so they'll all have the
same back resistance, etc. I use long (10-15 pieces) strings of the 6kV
diodes from All Electronics (they come on the tape all stuck together, so
probably(?) out of the same lot) without much problem.
Heck, the diodes are cheap (0.35 each) so I overdesign by 50% or more. And,
it goes without saying to limit the current (if only to keep flashovers
less exciting)
> From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: Re: HV DC power supply design.....
> Date: Sunday, January 09, 2000 5:16 PM
> Original Poster: gweaver <gweaver@earthlink.net>
<<snip of long description how to equalize diodes and why>>
> When I build something like this I like to over engineer it just a little
> give it a safety factor or about 10% to 20%. Put a couple extra diodes
> the circuit for safety. Put a current limiting resistor in the circuit
> Gary Weaver