Re: TC for Electrolysis?
On Sat, 08 Jan 2000 12:22:46 -0700, Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Reinhard Walter Buchner" <rw.buchner@verbund.net>
> Hi Mike, Mike, all,
> > Original Poster: "mrand" <mrand@iols.net>
> > Yes, I was thinking of electrolysis of water to get H2
> >& O2 gases. Do you think a TC can do this? Maybe
> >with just one wire from a bipolar coil?
> AFAIK, the amount of H2 and O (O2) you can *get* from
> a medium (i.e: water), is directly proportional to the current
> and the surface of the electrodes. However:
> - Having a running source of H.F. / HV around H2 and O isnīt
> a very good idea, if you know what I mean ;o)
> - How would you "connect" the rectified output of the TC to
> the electrodes? If you "connect" them with wires and clips,
> you will be effectively shorting out the coil, because at this
> voltage, your everyday water (even *normally* distilled water)
> is highly conductive. And if it wasnīt before you fire the coil,
> it will be soon after ;o). The Z-pinch accelerators use $$$$$
> equipment to keep the water ultra pure.
> - The continuous current of a TC isnīt very high. The ĩS or nS
> peak pulse current is of no use in your idea.
> Not really worth it in my opinion. A big DC PSU will give you
> gobs of H2 & O(2) in a much safer environment.
Dont give up the ghost on this idea, I am pursuing it. You dont specifically
want to use a tesla coil but high frequency water shattering has been
patented by Puharich. He names 4 tetrahedral water resonant frequencies,
which incidentally my post of a 5mm discharge today on tesla list as
Magnifier reply was done at this 3rd named resonant freq. In the past I have
been able to produce this effect with a 1 cm violet discharge on a 15 watt
draw that resembles a tesla coil in miniature operation.
See from http://www.escribe.com/science/freenrg/m1936.html
an alternating current looking into a
highly non-linear load,i.e., the water solution. This alternating current
generator (Component 1) is so designed that at peak load it is in
resonance,and the vector diagrams show that the capacitive reactance and the
inductive reactance are almost exactly 180 degrees out of phase,so that the
net power output is reactive, and the dissipative power is very small. This
design insures minimum power losses across the entire output system.
I have employed this idea and designed the electrolysisor in a resonant
rise of amperage of 4.8 of the amperage input. The work on producing
the high frequency is ongoing. Contact off list for info.
HDN tesla4@excite.com
Binary Resonant System