ground & tuning
Hi all,
and first of all thanks everyone for the help on the transparency sheet
cap. I've decided to try anyway. 've been a bit lazy building it, reached
5nF and still got 5nF more to go, but it seems to work well!
Yesterday fired up my 1.8" coil with beer bottle caps, and in addition to
corona around the bottles I got pityful 3" streamers (Pri: 8kV 400VA NST,
10nF, pancake primary...) from the end of a long sharpened wire.
Hopefully that'll change to better (at least a bit) once I get that
transp.sheet cap ready...
What I wanted to ask is how can I measure, for purpose of tuning the coil,
with just a DMM (don't have scope or other stuff) if the primary&secondary
are in tune?
I got the impression that when the coil is tuned right, the current flow
to RF ground will be at maximum. So would it be possible to hook up the
DMM to the ground without damage? (in what range would the amps be? 100A?)
---------+---0.5 Ohm--------------------+------> GND
base | _________ |
+--100kOhm---|>|---| mA(DC)|---+
D1 ---------
(RF diode)
where the low-ohm resistor has high wattage. Could this do? Or would the
DMM heat and pop?
Jan Florian Wagner
jwagner@cc.hut.fi, petwag@kolumbus.fi