LTR confusion...
Hi all...
Im getting ready to make another coil but this time im going to try to
squeeze everything I can out of it ...
my main question is regarding LTR ... is this the value of the main cap
that is to be larger than what the power supply delivers?
Im using 4@ 15KV/30mA units.... calcs for this assy call for a .0212 mF
cap. The cap available to me is .026mF @40KVDC ( ive used this cap with
my pole pig unit so I know it can handle the load)
Is this cap value good enuf for a LTR situation? or do I need more mF?
the secondary will be 8"X20" with a 6X18 Toroid and an RQ gap set fan
cooled primary will be flat with 1/4" Cu tubing at 1/4" spacing around
14 turns.
any advice is welcome
Scot D