Re: TC for Electrolysis?
In a message dated 1/6/2000 5:30:13 PM Mountain Standard Time,
tesla@pupman.com writes:
> In Tesla's 1892 lecture before the IEE in London, he said the
> "... Or we may, by the help of some artifice, decompose a solution in any
> electrolytic cell by connecting only one pole of the cell to the line or
> source of energy." This statement followed his description of rotating a
> motor with a single wire from his bipolar HV/HF generator.
> Has any performed this experiment, or know of other researchers that have,
> to see if it is possible to decompose a solution in an electrolytic cell
> with one pole from a TC?
> Any suggestions on how to rectify the output from a bipolar TC?
> Thanks - Mike
Hi Mike,
If you read what you wrote above more closely, it says that you could
decompose a solution in an electrolytic cell. This would not require DC
current. If you wish to reduce a metal ion to the metal, then it would be
best if DC were used in order to collect the metal onto the cathode, but if
the reduction potential is such that reduction occurs preferentially to
hydrogen production (like with gold, silver, etc) AC could be used.
Mike Hollingsworth