Re: Poly-Lok polyester resin transformer...
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: Poly-Lok polyester resin transformer...
From: "Reinhard Walter Buchner" <rw.buchner@verbund.net> (by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>)
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2000 20:42:12 -0700
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
Delivered-To: fixup-tesla@pupman.com@fixme
Hi Rick,
Original Poster: Apollo <ollopa@jps.net>
>I am sure.
>On the transformer, it said "polyester resin," so I
>searched the net for chemicals that dissolve
>polyester resins and came up with acetone.
Well, I tried the experiment tonight. I mixed up some
5 min epoxy and let it harden over 2 hours at moderate
temperature. Then I plunged it into a glass of acetone.
The thing has been sitting here for an hour or so and
NOTHING has happened.......... I didnīt expect it to,
because I tried removing some Bondo & paint gunk
from a car fender (some had done an awful job applying
the Bondo, which I hate anyway) and it (acetone and
a multitude of other solvents) didnīt do a darn to help
me remove the Bondo.
>Printed right on the metal can of acetone when I
>bought it from Orchard Home Supply was "For
>polyester resins"
Yes, sure, you CAN use it to thin out NON hardened resins.
I am aware of that, but it doesnīt tell you anything about
the cured product (that it will dissolve it) or does it? Once
the resin starts curing (i.e: turns hard), the acetone will
no longer really attack it. While coating my coil with resin
(1st coat), I noticed, too late, that I had missed a small
portion at the top. I still had some mixed resin in a jar,
but it was already partially cured (i.e: not quite hardened
yet), so I tried adding some acetone, but it was too late.
The acetone didnīt liquidify it anymore. However, since
it was my 1st (out of 5) coat, it didnīt really matter. I
simply coated it on the second round.
Coiler greets from Germany,