Re: HDPE Film Canisters
I've built small caps using film canisters, black, white, and grey. I
don't think they use a carbon-bearing pigment in the black ones. Never
used them in TC service, but they seem to work fine elsewhere. The only
problem would be the insane tediousness of needing to make up so many of
them... though I've always used aluminum tape or foil on the inside and
outside. If SW were used, then the construction would be far easier.
If you want a neat challenge, then I see no reason why it wouldn't work.
It would be very much like an MMC, needing a number in series to ensure
it doesn't arc over, or perhaps all of them could be submersed in a layer
of oil. It sure would be a shame if it were tipped or shaken, though.
I've seen the site where that air cap you made reference to was shown. I
think it would work, though it would still be huge, for any significantly
larger-than-tiny coil.
Grayson Dietrich
On Thu, 06 Jan 2000 07:15:52 -0700 Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> writes:
> Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
> Alright.......Boden's dumb idea # 217
> I have a large number of white plastic film canisters, the kind for
> 35mm
> film. And I was wondering if they could be usefull for TC Cap duty.
> A SW-MMC? hmmmmmmmm
> The canisters are made from HDPE (2)
> The lids are made from LDPE (4)
> I have an infinate supply of these things. I have ruled out the
> black ones
> (carbon) but the white ones should be useable.
> Any ideas?
> Also.....
> I remember you guys saying that an Air Cored cap would be huge, and
> I fully
> agree, but what about the guy who has one made with wirenuts? He
> said it's
> great, and better than his SW caps without the mess, and the
> ultimate in
> self healing. But it's less than 1 cubic meter!
> I could build a cap as large as 5 cubic meters without having to get
> creative with space. I just want to see if it can be done.
> Thanks guys!
> whos@geekgroup.org ? Heck I dunno, whos@geekgroup.org ?
> Chris Boden, that's who!
> Christopher A. Boden Esq.
> President / Founder
> The Geek Group
> Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!
> www.geekgroup.org
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