Re: Wanted: Capacitors
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Spud" <spud@wf.net>
> Hey, I have built a coil that is simply a work of art. It uses a 6" x 28"
> secondary and a 15Kv/60mA power source. It is all ready to fire except it
> has no capacitors. Thus, I am great need of decent sized capacitors for an
> MMC or EMMC.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
Ryan, all:
D&M's High Voltage has capacitors for MMC and EMMCs
(along with various other tesla coil components, etc).
Check out our webpage at:
or contact me off list at:
E-mail: DavMcKin@ix.netcom.com
David L. McKinnon
D&M's High Voltage