Re: Re: generators( was NST Inductance)
Yes, the synchronization problem goes away; but other expensive
things - high voltage diodes, and if not 3 phase, then a HV filter cap -
start to eat into the budget. Also inductive kick from the transformer
is eliminated, so an otherwise identical DC coil will not produce as
long a spark as an AC coil - when run off of NST's. Things can be done
to get the power back, all adding complexity.
But with a DC coil you can run at any break rate you want, from
single shot up to the limit of the charging supply. If spark dynamics
and streamer formation are of interest to you, a DC coil can't be beat.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 4:21 PM
Subject: re: Re: generators( was NST Inductance)
> Original Poster: bwalker@earth1.net
> If one fired the spark gap with DC, would that eliminate the problem of
> synchronization?