RE: Tesla's Energy Trans.
> >
> > I should say that I seem to remember Dr.
> Rezotarski (sorry If I mispelt
> > it)
> > mention a coil of upwards of 300kVA running
> somewhere behind the iron
> > curtain
> > - but I never saw any particulars of it beyond a
> passing reference to it
> > in
> > post on a different subject
> >
> > > Paul C
> >
> > Happy New Year
> > Nick Field
> >
> >
And I should say I KNOW there was built 350 KVA unit
somewhere in Austria in 1969. Contructor was dr.
T.Bosanac from Croatia.Unfortunately I know very
little about that system.I visited Bosanac last year
{he lives in Zagreb} in order to find out more about
the system.He is old and very unpleasant person
{surely he wasnt in good mood for disscusion about the
unit}.So very little I succed to squeeze out from him
.Later { and before } that I was digging through
Croatia University libraries in search for the info -
and found NOTHING. So if anybody on the list or
Austria or Europe know something about it I would
appreciate sharing the info with us.
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