Re: Full Wave Voltage Doubler with MOTs
Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> on 04.01.2000 14:57:13
To: tesla@pupman.com
cc: (bcc: Marco Denicolai/MARTIS)
Subject: Re: Full Wave Voltage Doubler with MOTs
>Original Poster: "Tero Ranta" <tero.ranta@bigfoot.com>
>it's not the same! There are lots of types of doubler topologies, half-wave,
>full-wave, genuine full-wave and then there are things called "level
>Your doubler circuit is a level shifter.
>I have simulated many kinds of doubler topologies and found IMO the best way
>(least parts). It produces quite smooth _steady_ 11kVDC, opposed to the
>pulsed dc you achieve with your circuit.
>Here's the schematic (4 diodes and 4 caps):
-----*----------o +
MOT | | |
D C |
| | |
o------* *--|
| |
| |
*----*----------o gnd
| |
| |
o------* *--|
| | |
D C |
MOT | | |
-----*----------o -
>Please let me know if you think there is something wrong with my schematic
>or if you know a better way making it.
I didn't have time to simulate your circuit, but it looks a great idea to me.
Good! You can achieve real DC (not pulsed) also with my solution, but you have
to invert the phase of one of the MOTs and you get only half of the voltage
(i.e. 5 kV).
>By the way, how should I protect the diodes from voltage surges from the
>primary circuit?
Frankly, I don't know. I haven't been through a phase where diodes die, I add
protection and they survive. They simply NEVER died since I put two of them in
series, with the RC parallel you see on my web pages. I have got also an LC
filter (see http://www.saunalahti.fi/dncmrc/rffilter.html).