RE: Tesla's Energy Trans.
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: RE: Tesla's Energy Trans.
From: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000 21:31:14 -0700
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
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In-Reply-To: <9131D720BDBAD1118C0400805FE60743028E89F6@xch-sbc-07.co.bna .boeing.com>
Hi Phill,
The aircraft hanger that machine was in would not have supported arcs that
long. One of Richard Hull's video tapes has a lecture in it about this
machine and the sparks seem pretty conventional given the scale of that coil.
There were a number of people who worked with Golka on that project. They
and the pictures of the machine working , do not indicate anything remotely
near 155 feet.
One reference I have (John Courture's JHCTES guide) gives 50 feet at 150kW
input power. This was a very "rough" copy of the Colorado Springs coil.
BTW - John gives a 4.6 million volts for the Colorado Springs coil but that
sounds high to me.
At 11:38 AM 01/03/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>Hello all,
> Could it be perhaps that this is a reference to Robert Golka's work in
>early 1980's?
>Phill Peterson (phill@iname.com)
>> ----------
>> From: Tesla List[SMTP:tesla@pupman.com]
>> Sent: Monday, January 03, 2000 5:28 AM
>> To: tesla@pupman.com
>> Subject: Re: Tesla's Energy Trans.
>> Original Poster: NickandSim@aol.com
>> Hi Paul,
>> > Nick and terry,
>> >
>> > There is a coil on the West coast which produced 155' arcs. I have
>> > seen this on a web sight. The coil is 60" in diameter and 85' tall. It
>> is >powered by a 38 Kw distribution Transformer. I not sure about the
>> capacitance >by I think it is about .4 uF.
>> I have never heard of this coil and find a coil 60" by 85' a bit hard to
>> believe, merely beacause it would be next to impossible to wind and topple
>> over in anything but a light breeze. If however you've got a url to share
>> with us then we can check it out ourselves
>> I should say that I seem to remember Dr. Rezotarski (sorry If I mispelt
>> it)
>> mention a coil of upwards of 300kVA running somewhere behind the iron
>> curtain
>> - but I never saw any particulars of it beyond a passing reference to it
>> in
>> post on a different subject
>> > Paul C
>> Happy New Year
>> Nick Field